Tuesday, August 31, 2010

shivaree for you and me

Things have quieted down a little in Chez Emily. The puppy, the cat and I have fallen into a kinda routine where we now know when it's quiet time and when it's playtime. So, this weekend I was able to get down to a little knitting. As you can see, the Shivaree Throw is coming along nicely. Taking forever, but coming along nicely. I realize that cables are perhaps the most fun thing to knit out there. I mean, they look all complicated and impressive, but are so easy. That's what I'm talking about!! I realize that I don't really care for the more difficult patterns. I like the middle road. The path of somewhat challenging, but I can still knit in front of a movie. And I like knitting/crocheting blankets. It feels like you accomplished something at the end! Any bids on this one? Maybe Esther.... She has an all-white house these days.

Monday, August 30, 2010

living with less

Today I took a load of stuff to Goodwill. For the 757th time I am trying to downsize my life and really prioritize. I want to spend time, energy, and money on the people and things that are important to me and less of all that on "stuff." I've been reading these blogs and books about the "minimalist movement." Daddy, I re-read the book you sent me entitled Put Your Life on a Diet, by Gregory Johnson. Interesting stuff. All these books and authors talk about owning only what you really need or really love and finding other things to do with your time and money.

When I think back to the times I was happiest and did the most with my life, it was when I had the least. In college I had a dorm room and some clothes and bedding. In the Army I had a barracks room (or hooch) and just enough stuff to wear to get me through. During those times I worked out, had dinner with friends, knitted, and read. I basically did the things that feed the body and soul. I find it harder to do all of these things when "real life" sets in and there is stuff to acquire and care for. So, I plan to return to the days of more freedom.

I already emptied my closet for the first go-round. All those clothes I always seem to acquire that take up space and hardly get worn.

Then came the knitting stuff. Somehow or another my long-term interest in knitting has resulted in a huge collection of needles and acessories. No longer. Those have been paired down. That may have been the hardest part so far, but it had to be done. I plan to pare down even further when I figure out what I don't use from the pile I kept.

Next comes the fridge. I realized recently that I tend to stash condiments, spices, and dried goods that I either use once and never again or don't use at all. I have made a promise to myself that I will only buy what I will realistically eat and enjoy. No more buying it just because it's healthy for me. Those foods are certain to languish on my shelves. No more fancy mustard because it looked good at the time. And I have to eat everything in the fridge before I purchase new stuff. Also, I am only going to buy produce at the farmer's market once a week.

I want to waste less and save my money for things I care about, like traveling. It is silly when you think about how much stuff just gets thrown away. The Germans have it right, making you recycle everything. Here in the U.S. it is too easy to just dispose of whatever you have lying around and not think about where it goes or why you just spent $30 on magazines that you throw away two days later. Hmph. Silliness.

I was going to take a photo of the inside of the fridge or my knitting pile for this post, but really it's just too embarrassing. I think I'll just work on paring down to the essentials and the stuff I really use and enjoy and occasionally I'll tell you about it.

Now, I want to find a way to have one of those tiny houses we've been seeing in the news lately. Maybe not as small as those in particular, but do you remember the little shack Esther was living in when she joined the USMC? Something like that. A bedroom, common room, kitchen and bathroom. I plan to move out of this apartment in Feb. when my lease is up and find something more conducive to the pets. A little shack like that would be perfect. Or maybe a trailer. Or RV. Who knows?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

sunshine today

It is beautiful outside today. The sun is shining and the weather has cooled off so that now it is enjoyable to be outdoors again. This morning all three of us were outside enjoying the morning sunshine.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

the end

Well, it's finally happened. As of yesterday I'm officially a civilian. I am no longer Sgt. Greene. It feels strange. Being in the Army becomes part of your identity and now that I'm done I no longer have that little part of me. Now I have to re-define myself again. The one thing I am left with is a sense of pride for doing something that wasn't easy and seeing it through with a certain amount of success.

Today I'll leave you with this previously unpublished photo of me in my very first days out of AIT training with the unit for our Iraq deployment. It was early spring in Georgia and cold and wet and we were running around little Ft. McPherson yelling bang bang and "searching POWs." Embarrassing? Certainly. Effective? Maybe. Team building? You bet.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

what did i ever do without it?

A few weeks ago Mother and I spent a few hours driving around DC trying to get to the dang airport. That was it. The last straw. I was put out with Google Maps and Map Quest and all those other services that are supposed to get you where you want to go, but somehow manage to be very difficult. So, I took the plunge. I purchased the GPS device and have never looked back.

My friend Tom Tom (pictured here) has been a lifesaver, or at least a sanity saver, since I moved to Alexandria. It has gotten me all over the metro area, out to the boonies in VA to get the dog, to Esther's doorstep, and to the nearest Walmart and Target. I can't figure out why I didn't get one sooner. This is maybe the best $89 I have spent in a long time.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

herb garden

Introducing..... my little herb garden in the making! These little pots sit on the kitchen windowsill and should eventually produce rosemary, lavender and basil. I started them last weekend and they are already sprouting.

I've been reading a series of blogs about minimalism lately and one guy's post caught my eye. He talked about how he always wanted to plant a garden, but wherever he was living he never had the opportunity. He said he never had a yard or lived anywhere long enough to establish a garden. Then, one day he realized that he might never have the "perfect spot" for a garden. So, he went to the store and purchased tomato seeds. He planted the seeds and ended up with one tomato plant that he kept in his small living space.

I guess I got two things out of what he said. First, don't put off what you want to do just because the timing isn't perfect. What is "perfect timing" anyhow? I'm not sure it really exists. I think maybe we make our own experiences what they are. Second, you don't have to do the full she-bang all at once. It's ok to start with one tomato plant instead of a full vegetable garden. It doesn't diminish the pleasure and practicality of that one plant.

So there you have it. Sunday morning musings on my kitchen window herb seedlings.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

size matters

Ok Daddy, here we go. Size comparisons for Beulah.

Here she is at the vet this morning. This is the first time she has sat still since I got her and so I took full advantage!

She weighs 3.5 lbs. Mostly fluff. The vet was really nice and right down the road. I'll take Petunia there too when it's time for her annual shots. Beulah got a LOT of attention.

I tried to take one of Petunia and Beulah together. NOT easy to do. This is the best shot so far, but I'm working on it!

Here she is next to my foot. Kinda gives you a little bit of an idea.

The cool thing is that she won't shed and her hair is really soft. And she won't get really big. Perfect dog!

Friday, August 20, 2010

early to rise

Good morning! I'm up early(ish). Not as early as "back when I was in the Army," but early enough. Why you ask? BECAUSE Beulah is a very good girl and has yet to pee on my bed and I would like to keep it that way thankyouverymuch. She was up at 0630 and therefore, so was I.

Disclaimer: I will be talking about Beulah ad naseum for a while here, so hang tight. And so, let me share this morning's photo shoot with you.

You think she'll mellow as she ages?

Thursday, August 19, 2010

you gotta start somewhere

Alright here it is; the official update center on the life and times of Emily Greene and her posse. The content may vary, but the subject shall remain the same.

Our stats at this time are:
1 puppy (Beulah)
1 cat (Petunia)
1 chicken (Emily)

The ultimate goal is to avoid gaining any fish, birds, hermit crabs, turtles, hamsters, gerbils, or excessive plants. Don't laugh. It's happened before.

The plan for the moment is to drink some decent wine, cook some good food, check out the sights, knit a few shawls (25 to be exact) and well... keep up an ongoing conversation for family and friends. Mainly family.

And so, signing off for now - Emily