The thing is, I really have very little experience when it comes to the practical sort of gardening I want to do. But really, how hard can it be?? For the last few weeks I've been mulling over what I want to (attempt) to grow. Here's the list so far.... keeping things as reasonable as possible.
- Tomatoes
- Kale (lovelovelove kale)
- Garlic (you can never have enough garlic)
- Morning glories (or some other sort of climbing, flowering plant for the fence)
- Geraniums
- Herbs including, but not limited to: basil, mint, cilantro, parsley, rosemary
- Maybe broccoli??
- Hot peppers
Any suggestions? I can use all the advice I can get. I'm thinking some of this I'll try from seed and some I'll get the plants already started for me. Maybe I'll start the herbs this weekend, and pick up a farmer's almanac....
Tomatoes and cherry tomatoes do great in pots. So do all kinds of peppers and herbs. I;m a Kale lover too! Never have planted it though. Check out the Earth Box. I use them on my porch along with pots. They are wonderful and easy! You can just google it.