Saturday, September 25, 2010


So, I've decided that my repertoire of recipes needs to be revamped. I've depended on pasta and sauce for way to long and it's just not cutting it anymore. So, time for new recipes where maybe I can learn to use a few veggies I'm not terribly familiar with.

And so, the other day I embarked upon the making of a basic risotto recipe. Described as "labor intensive," the dish made me a little apprehensive, but I was willing to give it a go. Besides, I had all this quinoa and couscous in my cubbard from one of my "get healty" endeavors.

Can I just say... this stuff is the bomb! I'll be making rissoto approximately every other day for a while to come. You gotta try this stuff. The best thing is that it is a great way to use of some of the extra grains and veggies you may have laying around (like I apparently do) in a way where you may actually eat them. Another part of my minimalist adventure here in Emilyland.

And so, without further ado, my (I call it mine because it is heavily adapted) risotto recipe:

5 cups of broth (I used veggie and it was pretty dang good)
3 Tbs. olive oil
1 small onion chopped finelyish
1 clove garlic (I used 3), chopped or mooshed, or whatever
1 1/2 c. grain (I used quinoa, but arborio rice is traditional)
1/2 c. white wine (I used the cheapest available, cause let's be honest, i'm cooking already)
1/2 c. grated Parmesan (I used "quattro formaggio" and it rocked)

Heat the broth to boiling in one pot, then lower the heat and keep it simmering on one burner.

Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a saucepan and add garlic and onion and cook, until softened but not browned. (At this stage I added a bunch of mushrooms I had in the fridge as well.)

Add the rice/grain of choice and cook, stirring, until it has begun to look glossy. Add the wine and cook, stirring, until absorbed.

Then start adding the broth 1/2 cup at a time, stirring until each 1/2 c. has been absorbed by grain of choice. Yeah, it's a lot of stirring, but it's worth it!!

After all broth has been absorbed (and at this point you can add whichever veggie/meat/whatever you like) add the cheese!!! Stir this until melted and EAT! Oh man, it's good!

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