Sunday, October 17, 2010

sunday activities

This is how the day started off...

Well, that's after a 0300 and 0630 wake-up, courtesy of the puppy.

It's good though. I had time to clean the apartment from head to toe (except I didn't dust, I need a duster).

Beulah and I also hit up the local farmer's market. We got fresh-baked bread, sweet potatoes, ear-rings, and flowers. Lots of flowers. And the sunflowers from last week are still good. And I only have one big vase and one little vase. Looks like when I'm out with Esther this afternoon I'll be acquiring another one!

The best part of the farmer's market is that Beulah gets to play with other dogs and get petted by everyone. She is exhausted when we get home! Right now she's curled at my feet sleeping while Petunia (who napped the entire time we were gone) is roaming around trying to decide what to do with her day.

This might just be the perfect Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. A precious picture and a beautiful quilt! Happy Sunday!

