Thursday, August 25, 2011

hurricane preparedness

After a beautiful and eventful week here in Virginia, it looks like we're battening down the hatches for whatever pieces of the hurricane may blow through.  The last time I worried about hurricane season was in Cuba and let me tell ya - they are way more blase about it there!  You'd think nobody in Virginia or the entire DC Metro area had ever experienced bad weather!  This place is so strange!

In preparation for what I expect to be, at the very most, a loss of power and being stuck indoors with a restless pup I am ensuring I have everything it takes to have a pleasant weekend watching the weather.  My list of necessities includes:
  1. A flashlight, lantern and candles to read by.
  2. Cans of beanie weenies and chips.  If needs be I'll light a fire in the fireplace and warm up my cans of goodness in there!
  3. Plenty of yarn for a new project I've been eyeballing (or three).
  4. Bones for the dog.  Lots of bones. 
  5. A stack of books.
  6. Charge the iPod and find those ever-evasive earphones... I know they are somewhere.
And that should do it!  No need to get all crazy! 

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