Saturday, August 21, 2010

size matters

Ok Daddy, here we go. Size comparisons for Beulah.

Here she is at the vet this morning. This is the first time she has sat still since I got her and so I took full advantage!

She weighs 3.5 lbs. Mostly fluff. The vet was really nice and right down the road. I'll take Petunia there too when it's time for her annual shots. Beulah got a LOT of attention.

I tried to take one of Petunia and Beulah together. NOT easy to do. This is the best shot so far, but I'm working on it!

Here she is next to my foot. Kinda gives you a little bit of an idea.

The cool thing is that she won't shed and her hair is really soft. And she won't get really big. Perfect dog!