Tuesday, September 21, 2010

the new girl

I was browsing around the internet just now, reading these blogs about minimalism (some call it "voluntary simplicity") that I've been really fascinated by lately, and I stumbled across a blog post that was spot on.

Everett Bogue writes a blog entitled Far Beyond the Stars. He owns almost nothing (materially) and spends his time making money on the internet and moving around wherever he wants to go. He says his lifestyle allows him to do this (which makes perfect sense.) Well, his post today is about how to make friends in new places.

What?? Perfect! My whole life I have been the new girl. You know us Greene's, we move around a lot. A lot. I'm not sure I would know what to do with myself if we didn't. As a result of this nomadic lifestyle I have developed a set of rules for meeting new people to include: the first six weeks suck, no matter what, you have to go to the places where you will meet the people you want to meet, and get involved in what you are interested in.

Well, Everett (I feel like we have a connection here) says just this. No, he spells it out. I'm so impressed! Here's my favorite quote; "Finding new friends means admitting that you need to meet people who are similar to you. If they aren’t similar, you start talking about the weather, everyone gets bored and you aren’t helping anyone."

It's a science, and the more you do it the easier it is. I think people don't realize this and maybe I didn't either until recently. However, I was reminded how you make your own experiences. If you want friends, fun, love, whatever, you go out and find it!

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