As I continue to figure out what I really need, like and will use in my all-too-cluttered life I find that less is truly more.
Esther and I were talking a while back about all the coffee mugs we tend to collect. She said she doesn't really like large mugs and so had gotten rid of all the big ones she used to have and was only keeping the small (tea-sized) cups. Which made me think.... yeah, she's right! I no longer drink tons of coffee at any one sitting and often I find that my coffee gets cold before I drink the whole cup. Also, who needs a dozen coffee mugs?? We all have our favorites that we use over and over and and the rest just sit on the shelf, looking pretty.
So, I looked at my mug shelf. Sure enough, many of them I never touched and all of them were just too big. They had to go. Now, I have this one mug. It's the one I purchased at the Green Bean Cafe in the old embassy in Baghdad several years back and it's been everywhere with me. I'm making it do for now, until I find some small mugs I like. Surprisingly, it's not that big of a deal to only have on mug!
Lesson learned.
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