Tuesday, December 21, 2010

glamming it up

Beulah and I both got our hair done, just in time for Christmas. May I just say that mine was far cheaper than hers?? Now this fluffy puppy and faux red-head are ready to party!


  1. Hello.
    Where are the ribbons and little bows?
    Whatever happened to "au naturel"? and
    How did Shelia manage to pop in for that middle picture?

    Inquiring minds want to know these things....

  2. The ribbons and bows didn't even make it out the door! Beulah had them off the moment her feet hit the ground.... She's getting good at that! I was sooo disappointed!

    I finally got fed up with my natural stuff.. it was taking too long and well then I thought to myself that if one dyes their hair they should do it something fun. Go big or go home.

    Sheila? That's the first time I've been told I look anything like her! :) Usually that's Esther! Or, are you implying that I'm becoming the crazy pet lady? :)hahaha

  3. Nope, I'm not implying anything w/regards to the pets. I think it's the look of the eyes.....

    Beulah looks sweet.
