You wouldn't know it by the look on Beulah's face, but things are starting to get exciting around here.

Next week is wedding week for Esther and Charlie and that means... family coming into town, packing bags for both casual and semi-dressy events (not to mention the wedding stuff), making arrangements and arranging the arrangements for Beulah's staycation and well... all the little things you have to do to make all this happen.

Not to mention the fact that a week (and a wee bit more) of traveling back and forth between here and Richmond means I really shouldn't go grocery shopping until after it's all over. Which means I'm eating a lot of beans and rice this week.

Beulah, of course, has special meals of ground turkey and green peas to help me assuage my guilt over leaving her overnight
for the first time ever. Yes, I'm that crazy poodle lady a few decades too early. What's it to ya?

Wish I could get a little help from the poodle. Instead, she's busy. There are bones to chew and holes to dig. I'll just leave her to it and maybe figure out what to pack...