Wednesday, August 3, 2011

endpaper mitts

Time for a knitting update!  I'm so proud!  My first color work project COMPLETE and not too shabby looking!

These here are the Endpaper Mitts by Eunny Jang and I looovvvee them!  This being my first project of the kind, the color is a little wonky here and there, but I'm pretty sure I'll be the only one to notice.  I took these photos on the patio yesterday evening after they were blocked and dried and couldn't wait to get them off again, they were so warm.  Another project added to my winter stash of "things I made."


  1. OOOOOhhhhh! Very nice, Emily!

  2. Those are BEAUTIFUL! I want some. I have had a hard time knitting. Seems like life is getting in the way...I'm so glad you are having progress and got your color work in! Proud of you!
