In the process of embarking on this new chapter in life I have found myself really putting a lot of thought into what kind of life I want to live and the kind of person I want to be. I really think that you have a choice and therefore, you choose how you live your life. Seems a life list (thank you Robyn of
Minimalist Knitter for the inspiration!) would be a good thing to kind of get me heading in a more goal-oriented direction.
So, here we go. This is a starter list, due to change at any time.
1. Get a dog - check
a. Train dog (working on it)
b. Take dog everywhere with me (doing it)
2. Get a job doing PAO stuff - starts tomorrow
a. Start at $40,000 annually (done and bettered so far)
b. Make myself indispensable
c. Be a team leader in a year
3. Live with less stuff - started the process
a. Get rid of any clothes I don't wear and only buy clothes I will wear (in progress)
b. Only purchase things that I truly love and will keep
c. Make my home as comfortable as my parent's home has always been
d. Purchase my own home in two years. One with a yard and a porch and a fireplace and hardwood floors.
4. Knit beautiful things
a. Knit in colors I love to use
b. Knit patterns I love all the way through
c. Knit my way though the Folk Shawls book
d. Learn to knit Fair Isle
5. Grow my hair
a. Once a year donate to "Locks for Love"
b. No more coloring
c. No more fighting the curls/frizz
6. Have a child
a. Only after marrying a good man :)
7. Grow a garden
8. Travel more
a. 2x annual trips to Germany
b. Spain
c. A nice country in the middle east
d. South America
e. The Netherlands
9. Cook more
a. Use more organic produce and less meat
b. Shop at farmers' markets
c. Try one new thing a week
Well, it's a start anyhow.